When Do I Start Looking for a Computer Science Internship?

Here’s a reworded version of the paragraph:

“Securing an internship can be a challenge. In this article, I’ll walk through the application process for tech internships and share my own experience with the recruiting process during each year of college. By sharing what I’ve learned, hopefully, you can avoid some of the mistakes that I made along the way.”

Computer science internships (Like the FAANG+ internships) open in late July and early August. Internships stop taking resumes by late September. Computer Science students should apply to internship programs every year, including freshmen year, to ensure a healthy career.



As a computer science student, I know what it’s like to be overcome with responsibilities and pursue internships. After all, you want to gain practical experience, learn new technologies, and build your skills, but it can be overwhelming to know where to start.

I understand just how important internships are for your career and I want to make sure you know as well. They offer a chance to work alongside experienced professionals and gain real-world knowledge you can’t learn in the classroom. That’s why I want to provide helpful guidance on when to start applying.

I aim to help you navigate this process with ease and confidence. I know it can be challenging to know when the right time is to apply, but I am here to make it easier. By following our tips and advice, you’ll be well on securing an internship that perfectly fits you and your career goals.

So, whether you’re a freshman just starting or a senior getting ready to take the next step, I am here to support you throughout this journey. Let’s work together to find the perfect internship that will set you on the path to success in computer science!

Importance of Internships for Computer Science Students

As a computer science student, internships are an excellent way to gain real-world experience and develop skills. College or university can’t teach you everything, so working on projects on the job is probably the most valuable experience of them all. Professional skills will be learned on the job, like communication using a variety of mediums (email, slack, git pull requests, and even in-person drop-ins).

 Internships for computer science students are the chance to explore different career paths within the field of computer science. For example, I worked with a woman who was a third-year computer science student who had always been interested in PCB or Printed Circuit Boards and wanted to pursue a career in this niche.

By the end of her internship, she had realized she liked this thing called Python. She rarely programmed in her field of study, so she was grateful that an internship brought this experience.

Internships also provide students with a valuable opportunity to learn from experienced professionals. While coursework can provide a solid foundation in computer science concepts and theory, there is no substitute for learning from someone who has worked in the industry for years. By working closely with professionals during their internships, students can gain insights into industry practices and techniques not typically covered in a classroom setting. These experiences can be invaluable when students enter the workforce, as they will have a deeper understanding of what it takes to succeed in the industry.

Advantages of Starting Early

Regarding internships, applying earlier in the school year can be smart. By starting the search early, students have ample time to prepare their applications and increase their chances of securing a position. Starting early also allows them to explore different types of internships and determine which ones align with their career goals.

Starting your early career job search gives you a chance to apply to more internships and, hopefully, into a field that you are passionate about

Another advantage of starting the job search early is you can form relationships with recruiters at companies you want to work for and have them notify you when another internship is available.

Applying early for internships can help you beat other Computer Science majors, as many internships have limited positions. An early application can demonstrate a student’s eagerness and dedication to the opportunity with a follow-up email to a recruiter, increasing their chances of being selected.

Freshman Year: The Ideal Time to Start

If you are a college freshman studying computer science, now is the perfect time to start exploring internship opportunities. Many companies offer internship programs specifically designed for freshmen, which can be a great way to get your foot in the door early on.

Internships during your freshman year can provide valuable experience and help you learn about different career paths within computer science. You can work on real-world projects and learn from experienced professionals.

Starting early also gives you more time to develop your skills and build your professional network. By establishing connections with industry professionals, you can gain valuable insights and advice to help you succeed in your future career.

So, look for an internship before your junior or senior year. Start exploring your options now and take advantage of the opportunities available as a college freshman. You never know what doors might open for you when you start early.

Applying to Internships Checklist

Applying for internships is a huge task. Especially for CS students that are trying to pass their classes. Here is a list of items or tasks that are highly recommended while applying to CS Internships.

Update your resume and cover letter: Make sure your resume and cover letter are current and tailored to the specific internship you are applying for. Focus on highlighting the projects, skills, and experiences that are relevant to the job descriptions (Bonus tip make a portfolio website)

Research potential companies: Research companies that offer internships in your field of interest. Check out their websites, social media accounts, and online reviews to learn more about their culture, values, and projects they work on.

Apply early: Apply for internships early in the application season to increase your chances of getting accepted. Keep track of deadlines and requirements for each internship.

Prepare for interviews: Be ready for technical and behavioral questions during your interview. Practice with friends or in front of a mirror to improve your confidence and presentation skills.

Follow up: Follow up with the company after applying and interviewing to show your continued interest in the position. Send a thank-you email or letter and inquire about the status of your application. Network: Attend career fairs, professional events, and online networking opportunities to build connections and learn about new opportunities.